The Green Agenda - Saudi Arabia's Sustainability Drive
Atlas Turf Arabia is committed to supporting the Golf Saudi Green Agenda. Research shows that green areas, including golf courses, parks and even roadside landscaping offer environmental benefits. As Saudi Arabia’s first and only licensed and certified turf farm, Atlas Turf Arabia is pioneering sustainable turfgrass development in the region and offering a local eco-friendly source for turfgrass.
Besides pursuing its own sustainable legacy, Atlas Turf Arabia advances the efforts of golf courses seeking certification by the GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf. Providing turfgrass that performs optimally with fewer inputs of water, fertilizers and pesticides supports responsible development.
Developers and turf managers can be assured that turfgrass supplied by Atlas Turf Arabia is the most appropriate for the region and offers key environmental sustainability advantages.
Platinum TE® Paspalum
Platinum TE® Paspalum, which is exclusive to Atlas Turf Arabia, is the world’s most sustainable turfgrass. Among its many benefits are unmatched salt tolerance and Platinum TE® Paspalum’s ability to thrive with TSE irrigation. Further, Platinum TE® Paspalum is drought and heat tolerant, making it more suitable for the region, and with proper maintenance, Platinum TE® Paspalum requires less nitrogen and other inputs.
- ITGAP certified
- Proven sustainability benefits
- Turfgrass of the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup
- First and only licensed turf farm in Saudi Arabia

The Benefits of Green Spaces
The myriad benefits have prompted the Saudi Green Initiative to include green spaces as a primary strategy for a more sustainable future.
In an article in the Arab News, Professor Sultan Ayoub Meo of King Saud’s University College of Medicine claimed that a single hectare of land, when 11 percent of it is covered by plants, can remove 9.7 kg of air pollutants every year.
Audubon International, in its Golf and the Environment fact sheet, espoused the beneficial effects of golf courses, including serving as wildlife sanctuaries, rehabilitating degraded landscapes and promoting physical and mental well-being. Specific to turfgrass, golf courses serve the valuable purpose of filtering stormwater runoff.
Research from The Lawn Institute emphasizes the sustainability of green spaces, including lawns, golf courses, parks and all grassed areas.
- Oxygen production – as little as 150 square meters of natural grass can produce enough oxygen each day to support four to 11 people depending on the location
- Runoff reduction – green spaces serve to filter water, reduce sediment and control runoff and flooding
- Carbon sequestration – green spaces capture atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is used to increase plant health while cleaning the air
Get In Touch
If you would like to discuss how Atlas Turf Arabia can meet your project’s turfgrass needs, please fill out the form or call us.
9296-19639 Duruma
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
+966 55 446 6820